Here it is, the post that some of us have been waiting for: alliterated animals (which, in and of itself, is an alliteration). It all started when my friend Cory thought it would be funny to say "tainted turtles" in a small coffee shop next to our school while we were "studying" for our piano literature (which Cory likes to call "pee an o litter richer") exam. We laughed so hard at his quirky little phrase that we just couldn't stop ourselves. Between that fated hour and another night the next week in which I joined the graduating seniors for an all-expense paid dinner at Macaroni Grill (compliments of our school) and sat with another funny senior - Samus, my dear friend Kathryn, and Cory, we came up with a few funny alliterated animals. See for yourself. Please note, they're much more humorous if you actually say them aloud. Because I am obnoxious about giving credit where credit is due, the creators of the alliterations are also listed :
Tainted Turtles (Cory; I know I mentioned it before, but it's truly my favorite)Seductive Snails (Kathryn)Elusive Elephants (Samus)
Subversive Salmon (Cory)Proverbial Pandas (me)Lugubrious Lemers (Cory)Chilly Chinchillas (Samus)
Fastidious Flamingos (me)
Worrisome Wombats (Samus?, see above picture of what I think looks like a worrisome wombat)
Pointillistic Pigeons (Cory)
Penultimate Penguins (me)
Bodacious barracudas...though my strength in creativity may be overshadowed by my weakness in spelling.
Ostenatious Ostrich
Soph, I'll probably see you before you read this, but it is certainly against the odds that I have read your 'blog' (whatever that is?)
I've been noticing (critically) alliteration in product names, especially teas. Check it out. A little alliteration makes it clever.
hasta la boda! Krissy
Dear Louisvillelawyer,
You're AWESOME at alliterating animals! Thanks for the comment, and keep 'em coming.
Thanks, Matt! Bodacious barracudas well taken. :)
Ostenatious ostrich, I like it!
Hey, Krissy!
I'm glad you're noticing the alliterations that surround us all... :) It was great to see you the other day.
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