Hey, Wasssab[i]?

Sarah, however, attended the concert. Before it began, one of the administrators (the "drum major", if you will) allegedly announced that a lime-green Beetle with the plate WASABI had its lights on. A tall, groovy man in his 40s (Sarah said "he was over 30 and under 50"; she only caught a faint glimpse of the back of him) scurried out of the hall to remedy the situation.
This made me feel all happy inside! To put a face (or at least a description of the back of his body) with the vanity plate makes the experience so personal.
So, if you're reading, cheers to you, Mr. WASABI. May your wasabi always be green and your ginger always pickled.
Thanks for listening to my music, especially since you are classically trained.
You're welcome, Diary Thinker!
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