27 September 2006

Pure Beech = Pure Love

So, I've discovered these new bed sheets called Pure Beech, and all I ever think about now is sleep. These sheets snuggle you right on back; I promise. And, I'm not paid to endorse. I just firmly believe in their goodness. They're 100% natural and made of a material called "modal", derived from beech trees. So, they're allergen free, and they're incredibly soft. You won't be disappointed. Above is a picture of my sheets; the color is "pewter". Careful - you can't jump into them through the computer screen!

23 September 2006


So, today on the way home from the grocery store, I passed by a hair salon called "Follicles". To me, that just doesn't sound quite right; it actually sounds quite uninviting. I'd put that in the rankings with "Dan's Druff Barbor Shop", if ever it existed.

22 September 2006


Hey, everyone!

Thanks for your patience. I'm back! (Please note the picture on the left.) Below are the top 5 reasons I didn't blog this summer:

5. I only had access to dial-up internet access.

4. I've been having somewhat serious hand problems. The good news is that the docs have figured it out for the most part, and hopefully, I'm on the road to recovery! Now, I use Dragon Naturally Speaking System, a voice-activated typing program, so I don't have to type as much. I'm still in the process of training it though. When trying to type "Dragon Naturally" in the previous sentence, it typed"drag in i.e. really he".

3. I think the previous two were my strongest reasons.

2. Why don't I take the time to just say that I'm looking forward to my comeback, bloggy style.

1. See you at the next post!

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